Awards & Scholarships

The ISANA NZ Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions by individuals working in New Zealand's international education sector. The awards also help to define a benchmark of excellence and best practice.

The ISANA NZ Award recognises an individual for quality contribution to international education in Aotearoa New Zealand. The recipients show a strong commitment to the enhancing the cross-border learner experience and going the extra mile in any of the following fields:

  • pastoral care/student support
  • admissions
  • student exchange/study abroad
  • teaching
  • homestay/accommodation
  • management

The winner of the ISANA NZ Award receives a free year of ISANA NZ membership and an ISANA NZ Award trophy. They will be recognised in an ISANA NZ newsletter and on social media.

The nominee must be an ISANA NZ individual member or nominated institutional member with unexpired membership. 

Professionalisation Award

Professionalism is a social process by which any trade or occupation transforms itself into a true “profession of the highest integrity and competence”. The ISANA NZ Professionalisation Award recognises a member who has exemplified this commitment to the international education sector through their work, integrity and competence. 

The Award will be given to a person demonstrating a strong ethical commitment  and a desire to continually learn and improve. They will be a highly valued, integral member of a team. 

The winner of the Professionalisation Award receives a free year of ISANA NZ membership and a Professionalisation Award trophy. They will be recognized in an ISANA NZ newsletter and on social media.

Nominees do not need to be ISANA NZ members.

Tracy Evans Scholarship

The Tracy Evans Scholarship was established in 2013 in recognition of Tracy Evans’ contribution to ISANA NZ. Tracy made a significant contribution over a number of years to ISANA NZ, including the role of School Sector Representative on the Executive Committee of ISANA NZ. Tracy worked within New Zealand’s international education school sector and was on the staff of Macleans College in Auckland at the time of her passing away. 

The scholarship is awarded annually by the ISANA NZ Executive to an individual working in New Zealand’s schools sector in the field of international education.

The winner of the Tracy Evans Scholarship will receive a free year of ISANA NZ membership and a Tracy Evans Scholarship trophy. They will be recognized in an ISANA NZ newsletter and on social media.

Nominees do not need to be ISANA NZ members but must be working in the field of international education at a school in New Zealand.